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Dental Centre | 牙科中心

Building Trust and Attracting Patients: Online Reputation Management for a Medical Centre.


Taiwan | 台灣


Medical Services | 醫療服務


Our client, a medical centre introducing new services, faced the challenge of managing online reviews and building a positive reputation. Their objectives were to increase patient bookings and establish trust among potential patients. Our comprehensive online reputation management strategy included SEO optimization, social media management, forum review monitoring, general assessment, and strategic media press releases.




  • Increase patient bookings and appointments for new medical services

  • Enhance the medical centre's online reputation and credibility

  • Manage and respond to online reviews effectively

  • Establish the medical centre as a trusted and reliable healthcare provider

  • 增加新醫療服務的病患預約數量

  • 提升醫療中心的線上聲譽和可信度

  • 有效管理並回應線上評論

  • 建立醫療中心成為一個值得信賴的優秀醫療服務提供者


  • Conducted SEO optimization to improve online visibility and search engine rankings

  • Developed and implemented a social media management strategy to engage and inform the target audience

  • Monitored and responded to online reviews on forums and review platforms to address patient concerns and build trust

  • Conducted a comprehensive assessment of the medical centre's online presence and reputation

  • Strategically crafted media press releases to highlight the centre's expertise, services, and positive patient experiences

  • 進行SEO優化,提升線上能見度和搜尋引擎排名

  • 制定並實施社交媒體管理策略,與目標受眾互動和提供資訊

  • 監控並回應論壇和評論平台上的線上評論,解決病患關切並建立信任

  • 全面評估醫療中心的線上存在和聲譽

  • 策略性地撰寫媒體新聞稿,突顯中心的專業知識、服務和正面病患體驗


Through our tailored online reputation management services, we successfully improved the medical centre's online reputation, attracted new patients to their new services, and established them as reputable healthcare providers. Our proactive approach to managing online reviews and leveraging various digital channels contributed to increased patient trust and engagement.


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